MAY 12, 2021
Board Members Present: Daniel Lindblom, Jeff Wasylowsky, Brian McGuinn, Stacy Puleo
Board Members Absent: Diane Esola
Also Present: Jim Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
Daniel Lindblom stated there is a quorum of Board Members present via audio conference call and opened the May 12, 2021 Virtual Board Meeting at 7:00 pm. There were 3 homeowners present on this call.
MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Minutes from the April 14, 2021 Board Meeting.
Mr. Wasylowsky made a motion to approve the Minutes from the April 14, 2021 Board Meeting as written. Mr. McGuinn seconded this motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
FINANCIAL - The Board reviewed the March 31, 2021 Delinquency Report. Two delinquent accounts were discussed.
#85 – Making payments.
#184 – This property was sold. The delinquent account including maintenance violation fines was paid.
The Board reviewed the April 2021 Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Report. Mr. Bouras stated the Association is in good and stable financial condition.
NEW PLAYGROUND INSTALLATION UPDATE – The Board Members discussed the County requirement for the installation of the small mulch pathway from the SeablueTrail cul-de-sac into the playground for a wheel chair accessibility.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to approve the additional expenditure of $545.00, per the quote from Premier Recreation Equipment, for the installation of a mulch pathway from the sidewalk into the playground for wheelchair accessibility. Mr. McGuinn seconded this motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORT – Nothing new to discuss.
GUIDELINE LETTER MAILED TO RESIDENTS – A Guideline letter was mailed to the Ashley Park residents.
WEBSITE – Mr. Lindblom informed the Board that Ashley Park Website is getting much usage.
OLD BUSINESS AND NEW BUSINESS – Mr. Lindblom informed the Board Members the Bay Winds Board of Directors is discussing the option of installing fountains in the community lakes. The BW Board is seeking feedback from each sub-Associations: Ashley Park, Boca Falls and Boca Winds Board of Directors. The Ashley Park Board Members discussed this matter. It was suggested to propose focusing on landscape beautification along Shorewind Drive or decreasing the amount of the Bay Winds Association quarterly assessment in the future. The Board Members agreed to vote against fountain installations.
Mr. Lindblom addressed the Board about resuming in-person Board Meetings instead of virtual. The Board Members agreed to postpone this discussion until the next meeting in June.
Mr. Lindblom suggested to plant different annuals in front of the Ashley Park entrance sign. The current plants are growing too tall and covering the signage. Management will address this.
Mr. Lindblom informed the Board Members and homeowners in attendance that the Board and management are aware of the leaning pole at the intersection of Shorewind Place and Sea Bass Drive. It was reported to FPL.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to approve a $250.00 expenditure per quote from All Florida Appraisal Group Inc. for the on-site appraisal inspection of structures and site improvements for the Association insurance renewal. Mrs. Puleo seconded this motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
Eivina Minute-Cobb addressed the Board with her request to plant additional bushes in the area where Ashley Park borders Boca Reserve. The Board and the management will investigate this.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 7:47 pm. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wasylowsky and unanimously approved by the Board.