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Meet The 2020 Ashley Park Board Candidates

Updated: Dec 2, 2019

In alphabetic order by last name.

Diane Esola

Please allow me to introduce myself.  For those of you who don't know me, my name is Diane Esola. I am the current Vice President of the Ashley Park HOA. I live on Sea Bass Drive with my husband Don, and our 17 year old son, Tony.  We have enjoyed living in Ashley Park for the past 18 years. In those 18 years, I have watched Ashley Park change in many ways, and as an active member of the HOA, serving as vice president on and off for over 15 years, I have worked hard to insure that Ashley Park remain the safe, beautiful neighborhood in which I choose to raise my family.

Eighteen years ago, I moved here and raise my daughter Erika, now 30 and a mother herself. When Erika comes back to Boca to visit with my beautiful grandson, we often reminisce about her youth. She had many friends in the neighborhood. She and friends rode bikes and roamed freely throughout the community, knowing they were safe and cared for. Eighteen years later,much has changed in the world, but that feeling of safety and care has remained steady here at Ashley Park. I am proud to say as a vice president of the HOA, all members work to provide for the best living experience for all our residents. While a VP, I implemented the Ashley Park website, allowing residents to stay informed about community goings on. I also began the rental committee that overseas approval of all potential tenants in the Ashley Park community. This committee helps us to keep our community safe. During the 15 years on the HOA, I have attended monthly meetings, making sure the community is operating properly, and that all concerns are addressed in a quick and effective manner.

In addition to my Vice President role at Ashley Park HOA, I am employed  at West Boca High School, where I am the school treasurer. I have been an employee of Palm Beach Schools for 20 years. I have also served as coordinator of many community service ventures as a worker at the PBCS system, helping to bridge the gap between school and outside community as a whole. I am also an active member of the PTSA acting as treasurer, and I am a chair member SAC Committee for 10 +years.  I believe these experiences have aided in my position as HOA VP., allowing me to  understand the importance of working as a team member, and hearing and respecting the needs and desires of others.  

In the 18 years here, my family and I have had the honor of meeting life long friends, and enjoying many neighborhood activities and festivities. That’s what makes Ashley Park so special. It has that old neighborhood feel in a very modern world. It would be my pleasure and honor to continue to serve this wonderful community. I can assure you that I will work diligently as I always have to keep our community Boca’s hidden gem.

Daniel Lindblom

Hi Neighbors! I'm Daniel Lindblom a current Ashley Park Board Member and our HOA President. I moved to this community in 2016 with my partner. I have held a few roles on the board over the years from Treasurer, Vice President, to my current role as President. I try to help wherever I'm needed so in addition I'm on the rental approval committee and Treasurer on the Bay Winds Board representing our resident's interests. I joined the board to be an active member as my goal is to foster a sense of community, maintain our HOA in a fiscally responsible way, and treat all residents fairly.

I currently work in IT as a project manager/analyst and I take that experience with me to the Ashley Park Board. Since joining the board I've overseen projects to reduce our costs by creating and maintaining our HOA website (a labor of love that I maintain for our community), updating our sign lighting to energy/cost efficient LED, reviewing all contracts/work to ensure we're getting fair prices, and even knocking on doors to get signatures for voting forms to reduce our printing and mailing costs. I also understand that it's important to spend where it counts. I've worked with my fellow board members and residents to oversee the creation and funding of our Capital Improvement Committee. This is a resident idea driven committee and they are directed to target areas of improvement to further beautify our common areas. They have some exciting projects underway.

One of the things I'm most proud of is how much participation in the committees and meetings has increased the past three years. I hope to continue to foster that by providing residents an avenue to share ideas, chat with friends, and provide candid feedback.

I'm so thrilled of the work our board has accomplished in just a few years and excited for what is to come. I hope you'll allow me the privilege to continue serving our community.

Brian McGuinn

My name is Brian McGuinn and I reside on Swordfish Drive. I moved here about two years ago from Broward County. Previously I was Vice President of my former association. I was responsible for many community upgrades. I left the board when I moved here however the improvements made, increased property values substantially.

This past year I served Ashley Park on two committees. One of these was the capital improvements committee. This year we  explored ways to increase the value of our community by  utilizing land that formerly served little to no purpose since the community was developed decades ago. Now, we have begun construction of a walking path that will allow all ages to enjoy this previously unused land and there are more improvements on the way.

My goal as your representative is to work with other board members to increase the velocity developing this property while keeping dues unchanged. Bay Winds is operating at a surplus and I would like to advocate that some of that surplus be assigned to our community. Further, I would like to see ways to include businesses to sponsor Ashley Park's improvements.

Aside from wanting to enhance our communities assets, I am married and my wife and I have a son who goes to school at Water's Edge. I want him to grow up in a safe and clean community. I think that being your advocate on the board will help ensure this happens.

Eivina Muniute-Cobb

Dear neighbors, I am Eivina Muniute-Cobb, Ashley Park resident since 2009. I appreciate being a part of Ashley Park community, and thank you in advance for considering my candidacy for the Board 2020.

I would like the Board to continue with small improvements regarding beautification and safety of Ashley Park. I would also work towards gathering feedback of the larger community through surveys when it comes to higher-stake decisions that impact all residents. Lastly, it would be great to come together as a community and have an annual event such a picnic or block party so that we can meet and better know each other.

My work background is in children and family counseling - I managed a community counseling agency up until 2010. Since then, I have had my own organizational consulting practice with a focus on training and leadership coaching. I serve on the Board of Association for Talent Development, South Florida Chapter as a VP of Professional Development. In this past year, I have also contributed to Ashley Park by serving on one of the Board committees. My full professional profile can be viewed here

Thank you for your consideration! Happy Holidays to you and your families!

Stacy Puleo

My name is Stacy Puleo, I have lived in Ashley Park since 2013. I am a current member of the Ashley Park Homeowners Association. I am a licensed community association manager and have completed the certification to be an HOA board member. I am a mother of two young children being raised in the community and hope to help keep Ashley Park beautiful and safe for them for years to come. I believe I would continue to be an asset to the community if re-elected.  

Thank you

Mary Smith

Jeff Wasylowsky

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