JANUARY 9, 2019
Board Members Present: Daniel Lindblom, Michael McKay and Diane Esola
Board Members Absent: Jeff Wasylowsky & Gloria O’Connor
Also Present: Paul Valyo & Jim Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
Daniel Lindblom stated there is a quorum of Board Members present and opened the January 9, 2019 Board Meeting at 7:22 pm.
MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Minutes from the December 12, 2019 Board Meeting. Mr. Lindblom made a motion to approve the Minutes from the December 12, 2019 Board Meeting as written. Mr. McKay seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
FINANCIAL - The Board reviewed the January 2, 2019 Delinquency Report. Several delinquent accounts were discussed.
#25 – Property is in mortgage foreclosure. The homeowner filed for bankruptcy. There is nothing the association can do on this account at this time.
#64 – This account will be monitored.
The Board then reviewed the November 2018 Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Report. Mr. Valyo stated the Association is in good and stable financial condition. The December 2018 Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Report (yearend) will be sent to the Board Members as soon as it is available (most likely next week).
Mr. McKay made a motion to reduce the Allowance for Bad Debt account by $5,000 to bring it down to $4,843. Mr. Lindblom seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
SPEED HUMP INSTALLATION FOR SEABLUE TRAIL – Mr. Bouras informed the Board that the speed hump will be installed on Sea Blue Trail by Palm Beach County the week of January 14.
Mr. Valyo informed the Board that Ashley Park does not have Windstorm Damage coverage included in the association insurance policy and has not had this coverage going back to year 2003. If the Board would like to add this coverage at this time it will be an additional $2,400. The current insurance company is requesting to sign a waiver to be signed acknowledging that Windstorm Damage coverage is not desired or included in the current property insurance policy.
The Board Members discussed this matter and agreed not to add Windstorm Damage coverage and to sign the Windstorm Damage coverage waiver.
LEASE INFORMATION UPDATE – Nothing to discuss.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE – Mrs. Marcarelli informed the Board that updates will be presented at the next Board Meeting.
WEBSITE – Mr. Lindblom informed the Board the Ashley Park Website is getting a lot of hits and explained that it is necessary to register on the Website to be able to access all of the information (including Ashley Park 2019 Budget) presented.
OLD BUSINESS AND NEW BUSINESS – Mr. Pontrelli – a Boca Winds president and security liaison updated Board Members on the security situation in Ashley Park and Boca Winds and read some of the contract deputies’ daily reports.
Mr. Lindblom reported a teenager is speeding on a motorized bike through the Ashley Park streets, mostly on Blue Fin Trail. Management will instruct the Contract Deputies to pay special attention to this area.
Mr. Pontrelli also made announcements regarding the current and future WBCC discussions, projects and meetings.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 8:03 pm. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Esola and unanimously approved by the Board.