MAY 17, 2023
Board Members
Present: Rick Stacy, Daniel Linblom, Jamie D'Albenzio, Lauren Byrne, Douglas DeLuca.
Board Members
Also Present:Paul Valyo and Jim Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
Mr. Stacy opened the May 17, 2023, Board Meeting at 7:00 pm and welcomed all Board Members and Homeowner Members in attendance. There were approximately 5 Homeowners inattendance.
APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Meeting Minutes from the March 15, 2023, Board Meeting. Mrs. Byrne suggested the following revision under the New and Old Business: “Ashley Park homeowners Mr. & Mrs. McGuinn and Mrs. Cobb asked the Board to address the matter of McGuinn’s placement of their trampoline on the BW owned Lake Management Tract behind their property. The Board Members discussed the matter but did not give permission to leave the trampoline on the BW property. Mr. Stacy strongly suggested that Mr. McGuinn move the trampoline to his property. No motions were made, or actions taken’.
Mrs. Byrne made a motion to approve the March 15, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes with this change. Mr. Lindblom seconded the motion, and the motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Management was instructed to change the Minutes and send them to the Board for review and formal approval at the next Board meeting.
FINANCIAL – The Board reviewed the Delinquency Report as of March 31, 2023. There are a few small delinquencies, but there are no serious delinquent accounts to discuss.
Mr. Valyo presented the April 2023 Balance Sheet, and Income and Expense Report for the Board Members review and noted that the association is in a good and stable financial position. Expenses are currently under budget.
LAKE INSPECTION UPDATE – Mr. Bouras updated the Board on the condition of the lakes.The next lake inspection is scheduled for Wednesday, May 24th.
2023 FISH STOCKING UPDATE – Mr. Bouras updated the Board on the status of fish stockingin the community lakes. All fish were stocked except the Largemouth Bass.
NEW BUSINESS/OLD BUSINESS – Mrs. Byrne suggested preparing a list of all the community vendors and presenting it to the Board before the end of the year.
If any of the association vendors are used by the Board Members, it should be acknowledged to avoid any potential conflict of interest.
Mr. Bouras sent a letter from the Ashley Park attorney to the Board for review. Mr. Stacy informed Mr. and Mrs. McGuinn and Mrs. Cobb, who were present at the meeting, the BW Board will not be discussing this matter since attorneys are now involved.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn the Board Meeting at 7:20 pm.