NOVEMBER 13, 2023
Board Members
Present: Rick Stacy, Daniel Lindblom, Lauren Byrne, Douglas DeLuca and Jamie D'Albenzio.
Board Members
Absent: None
Also Present: Paul Valyo and Jim Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
Mr. Stacy opened the November 13, 2023, Board Meeting at 7:00 pm and welcomed all Board Members and Homeowner Members in attendance. There was 1 Homeowner in attendance.
APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Meeting Minutes from the September 20, 2023, Board Meeting. Mr. DeLuca made a motion to approve the September 20, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes as written. Mr. Lindblom seconded the motion, and the motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
FINANCIAL – The Board reviewed the Delinquency Report as of September 30, 2023. There are four delinquent accounts, none of them need to be discussed.
The Board reviewed the October 2023 Balance Sheet, and Income and Expense Report. Mr. Valyo noted that the association is in a good and stable financial condition. Expenses are currently under budget.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to close the TD Bank account and to transfer the amount of $31,573.36 to the newly opened CD account at the Bank United. Mrs. Byrne seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.
REVIEW FOR APPROVAL – COMPLETE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT – The Board members reviewed and discussed the CPM Landscape Maintenance Agreement. Mrs. Byrne suggested revising the default termination paragraph. Mr. Valyo will prepare the wording and will send it to Mrs. Byrne for review and approval.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to approve the Complete Property Maintenance contract with the addendum on the ability for the HOA to cancel the contract should there be performance issues. Mrs. D’Albenzio seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
REVIEW FOR APPROVAL THE PROPOSED 2024 ESTIMATED OPERATING BUDGET – The Board Members reviewed and discussed the proposed 2024 Estimated Operating Budget.
Mrs. D’Albenzio made a motion to approve the proposed 2024 estimated Operating Budget with quarterly assessments of $132.00 ($6.00 per quarter/$2.00 per month increase). Mr. Lindblom seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
LAKE INSPECTION UPDATE – Mr. Bouras updated the Board on the condition of the lakes.
NEW BUSINESS/OLD BUSINESS – Mr. Valyo informed the Board that he received a notice from the attorney about the Trip and Fall that happened in Ashley Park and explained that BW HOW does not own any property where this this trip and fall accident happened.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn the Board Meeting at 7:54 pm.
Minutes Accepted By:
_________________________________ _____________________
Douglas DeLuca, Secretary Date