FEBRUARY 9, 2022
Board Members Present: Daniel Lindblom, Brian McGuinn, Jeff Wasylowsky and Stacey Puleo
Board Members Absent: Yulia Balyberdina
Also Present: Jim Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
Daniel Lindblom stated there is a quorum of Board Members present via audio conference call and opened the February 9, 2022, Virtual Board Meeting at 7:05 pm. There were 2 homeowners present.
MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Minutes from the January 12, 2022, Board Meeting.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to approve the Minutes from the January 12, 2022, Board Meeting as written. Mrs. Puleo seconded this motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
FINANCIAL - The Board reviewed the December 31, 2021, Delinquency Report. There is currently only one notable delinquent account.
#212 – Majority of the delinquent amount is a maintenance violation fine.
The Board reviewed the December 2021 (year-end) Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Report. Mr. Bouras informed the Board the association ended the year with a net income of $14,622.29.
Mrs. Puleo made a motion to transfer $2,500 of the year-end net income to the Unallocated Reserve Account and the remaining income balance to the Capital Improvement Reserve Account. Mr. Lindblom seconded this motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORT – Nothing new to discuss.
RENTAL INFORMATION – Nothing to discuss.
WEBSITE – Nothing to discuss.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE – Mr. McGuinn informed the Board that he will be researching new community signs since this proposed project received the majority of the homeowners’ votes. The Board Members discussed this matter. Mr. McGuinn also informed the Board that he will begin looking into information regarding the installation of memorial benches sponsored by an individual or organization. The Board will continue discussing both projects at the next Board Meeting.
Mr. Lindblom informed the Board that the Bay Winds Board of Directors approved installation of fake security cameras along the Palmetto Park Road in attempt to prevent the constant turf damage in the swale areas.
Mr. Lindblom nominated Stacy Puleo to serve on the Rental Committee. Mr. McGuinn seconded this motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 7:29 pm. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wasylowsky and unanimously approved by the Board.