MARCH 8, 2023
Board Members Present: Daniel Lindblom, Brian McGuinn, Yulia Balyberdina & Stacy Puleo
Board Members Absent: Jeff Wasylowsky
Also Present: Jim Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
Daniel Lindblom stated there is a quorum of Board Members present and opened the March 8, 2023, Board Meeting at 7:00 pm. There were 2 homeowners present.
MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Minutes from the February 8, 2023, Board Meeting.
Mrs. Puleo made a motion to approve the Minutes from the February 8, 2023, Board Meeting as written. Mr. Lindblom seconded this motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
FINANCIAL - The Board reviewed the March 3, 2023, Delinquency Report. There is one notable delinquent account, a claim of lien has been prepared.
The February 2023 Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Report were reviewed by the Board Members. The Association is in good shape financially with expenses under budget.
NEW BASKETBALL COURT TRASH CAN UPDATE – Mr. Bouras informed the Board that the trash container was delivered. It will be assembled and installed by the basketball court (between the court and the sidewalk) soon.
RENTAL INFORMATION – Nothing to discuss.
WEBSITE – Nothing to discuss.
ENTRANCE SIGNS REFURBISH PROGRESS UPDATE – Mr. Bouras informed the Board that the letter “A” back lighting is too dark, and it will be corrected. The Board Members also discussed the addition of colorful plants or annuals on both sides of the sign and agreed to plant Coleus on both sides of the sign. Management will prepare the estimate and will present it to the Board for review at the next Board Meeting.
OLD BUSINESS AND NEW BUSINESS – Mrs. Balyberdina presented pictures of proposed park bench designs as part of the Memorial Benches project. The Board Members discussed pavers and mulch options for the area around the benches and location of benches. The Board Members also discussed installation of memorial pavers at the community park.
Eivina Cobb addressed the Board about her concerns regarding one of the Board Members’ personal property was placed on the association common area and noted that she already contacted her attorney regarding this issue. The Board responded that since the homeowner’s attorney is already involved, this matter must be addressed with the Association attorney. This homeowner was advised to have her attorney send correspondence in reference to this matter, to management, and management will forward it to the Association attorney.
The Board Meeting was adjourned at 7:38 pm.