APRIL 12, 2016
Board Members Present: Vince Maida, Diane Esola and Charles Hiltunen
Board Members Absent: Jason Salmon and Mary Smith
Also Present: Paul Valyo, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
President Vince Maida stated there is a quorum of Board Members present and opened the April 12, 2016 Board Meeting at 7:00 pm.
MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Minutes from the March 9, 2016 Board Meeting. Mrs. Esola requested to make one correction – remove James Bouras name from “Also Present” - Mr. Bouras was not present at the March 9th Board Meeting. Mrs. Esola made a motion to approve the Minutes from the March 9, 2016 Board Meeting with this one correction. Mr. Hiltunen seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
FINANCIAL - The Board reviewed the April 6, 2016 Delinquency Report. Several delinquent accounts were discussed.
Jaffe – Mr. Valyo informed the Board that the association attorney attempted to contact the reverse mortgage holder regarding this delinquent account. There has been no response from the lender/bank to date. The Board agreed if the attorney does not receive a response from the mortgage holder prior to the May Board Meeting the Board will vote to begin association foreclosure on this property.
The Board then reviewed the March 2016 Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Reports. Mr. Valyo stated the Association is in good and stable financial condition.
Mr. Valyo informed the Board that the CPA recommended an audit of the Rental Security Deposit account. The Board Members approved auditing this account and transferring funds to the Operating Account for deposits that have not been claimed by tenants or homeowners who have moved out of Ashley Park.
Mr. Valyo informed the Board that a Florida Community Bank representative contacted management offering their services to the Ashley Park Homeowners Association. The Board Members discussed this matter. Mrs. Esola made a motion to close the CenterState Bank Reserve Account which has a balance of $29,601.44, open a new Reserve Account in Florida Community Bank and deposit the $29,601.44 to this new account. Mr. Maida seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
TENNIS COURT RESURFACING – COMPLETE – Mr. Valyo informed the Board that the tennis court resurfacing has been completed. The Board Members agreed the resurfacing was done well and the courts look good. Management was instructed to release the final payment to Pro Courts - the company that resurfaced the tennis courts.
Mr. Valyo informed Board Members that over the years the drainage from the tennis courts has eroded the soil under the west and part of the south sides of the courts and should be filled in with rocks or dirt.
Mrs. Esola made a motion to install gravel/rocks on the west side and some areas on the south side of the tennis court to stabilize the edge of the asphalt. Mr. Hiltunen seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
Mr. Hiltunen made a motion to approve the tennis court lock box replacement and closing mechanism at the tennis court gate. Mrs. Esola seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
JAFFE – 22552 SAWFISH TERRACE - PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Mr. Valyo presented pictures of this property. The Board Members agreed that the house looks better than it has in the past but the landscaping needs maintenance. The Board Members discussed beginning association foreclosure due to non-payment of assessments and making a decision about this at the next Board Meeting.
HYPPOLITE – 22476 SWORDFISH DRIVE – VEHICLE REPAIRS – Mr. Valyo informed the Board that this property is in the final stages of mortgage foreclosure and a trial day has been scheduled in May.
WEBSITE – Nothing new to report.
OLD BUSINESS AND NEW BUSINESS – Mrs. Valyo informed the Board that Solid Waste Authority removed some stains from the asphalt on Grouper Court.
The Board Members discussed requiring additional landscaping in the front yard of 22560 Sawfish Terrace to soften the look of the driveway widening and asked the owner to install more permanent shrubs on the south side of the driveway.
Mr. Hiltunen made a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 7:45 pm. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Esola and unanimously approved by the Board.