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February 2017 Meeting Minutes



FEBRUARY 8, 2017

Board Members Present:     Vince Maida, Diane Esola, Daniel Lindblom & Jason Salmon

Board Members Absent:      None

Also Present:                                                  Paul Valyo & James Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.

President Vince Maida stated there is a quorum of Board Members present, opened the February 8, 2017 Board Meeting at 7:00 pm and welcomed Daniel Lindblom as a new Ashley Park Board Member.


Mr. Valyo stated the Association officers need to be determined.

Mr. Valyo opened nominations for President. Mrs. Esola made a motion to nominate Vince Maida for President. Mr. Salmon seconded this motion and the motion was unanimously approved by the Board.

Mr. Valyo opened nominations for Vice President. Mr. Maida made a motion to nominate Diane Esola for Vice President. Mr. Lindblom seconded this motion and the motion was unanimously approved by the Board.

Mr. Valyo opened nominations for Treasurer.  Mr. Maida made a motion to nominate Daniel Lindblom for Treasurer. Mrs. Esola seconded this motion and the motion was unanimously approved by the Board. The Board approved removing the previous Treasurer, Charles Hiltunen, as check signer from all bank accounts and adding Daniel Lindblom as check signer on all bank accounts.

Mr. Valyo opened nominations for Secretary.  Mr. Maida made a motion to nominate Jason Salmon for Secretary. Mrs. Esola seconded this motion and the motion was unanimously approved by the Board.

APPOINTMENT OF THE ASHLEY PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVE TO THE B.W. (BAY WINDS) BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Mrs. Esola made a motion to appoint Vince Maida as the Ashley Park representative to the B.W. (Bay Winds) Board of Directors. Mr. Lindblom seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.

APPOINT NEW MEMBER TO ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE AND TO RENTAL COMMITTEE – Michael McKay and Jason Salmon were appointed by the Board as new ACC members. Daniel Lindblom was appointed by the Board as a new Rental Committee member.

RENTAL RESTRICTI0NS - The Board members agreed to implement a property rental rule/policy – no rental application will be accepted by Management without valid social security numbers for all the potential tenants of the property.

MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Minutes from the January 12, 2017 Annual Membership Meeting. Mrs. Esola made a motion to approve the Minutes from the January 12, 2017 Annual Meeting as written. Mr. Salmon seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.

The Board reviewed the Minutes from the January 12, 2017 Board Meeting. Mrs. Esola made a motion to approve the Minutes from the January 12, 2017 Board Meeting as written. Mr. Salmon seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.

FINANCIAL - The Board reviewed the February 1, 2017 Delinquency Report. Several delinquent accounts were discussed.

# 108 – Association foreclosure started.

# 184 – Property is on the final stage of the mortgage foreclosure.

# 186 – Homeowner makes monthly payments.

# 212 – The Board approved beginning association foreclosure.

The Board then reviewed the December (year-end) 2016 Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Report. Mr. Valyo stated the Association ended 2016 with a $10.836.15 Net Income and explained that the majority of this was due to more income being collected than was anticipated or budgeted. Mr. Valyo recommended the Board approve transferring this Net Income amount from the Operating Account into the Reserve Account. The Board unanimously approved this transfer.

LEASING REVISIONS AMENDMENT – Mr. Valyo stated the proposed amendment was sent to the Ashley Park homeowners. The first ballot came back on February 2nd. The Association has 90 days from February 2nd to collect 190 ballots marked “in favor” (66% of 285) necessary for the amendment approval. Mr. Salmon made a motion to order and install 2 signs: “Vote “YES” on Amendment.” Mrs. Esola seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.

JAFFE – 22552 SAWFISH TERRACE - PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Mr. Bouras informed the Board that CMC cut the grass at this property because it had not been cut in over a month. The Board instructed management to continue monitoring this property and cut the grass if and when it is necessary and charge the homeowner’s account for this expense.

HYPPOLITE – 22476 SWORDFISH DRIVE – VEHICLE REPAIRS – Mr. Bouras updated the Board on the commercial activity at this address.

EDWARDS – 22640 SWORDFISH DRIVE – The Board Members discussed this property.

PLAYGROUND MULCH ESTIMATE – Mr. Valyo presented an estimate for removing the playground sand and installing mulch. The Board members decided not to replace the sand with mulch but instead to add a layer of fresh sand to the playground.

NEW PLAYGROUND AREA TRASH RECEPTACLE – The Board members reviewed prices for different types of trash receptacles. Mrs. Esola made a motion to approve purchasing a 32 gallon recycled plastic trash receptacle with a lid. Mr. Lindblom seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.

WEBSITE – Nothing new to report.

OLD BUSINESS AND NEW BUSINESS – The Board members discussed the Ashley Park entrance signs, landscaping around them and possibly updating the signs with the faux stone.

Mrs. Esola requested a commercial vehicle violation letter to be sent to 22412 Sea Bass Drive.

Mr. Salmon suggested putting on the next Board meeting agenda a discussion regarding the condition of existing fences in the community and possible implementation of a paint color chart/pallet pre-approved for the house painting in Ashley Park.

Mrs. Esola made a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 8:37 pm. The motion was seconded by Mr. Salmon and unanimously approved by the Board.

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