OCTOBER 12, 2016
Board Members Present: Vince Maida, Diane Esola, Charles Hiltunen, and Mary Smith
Board Members Absent: Jason Salmon
Also Present: Paul Valyo and James Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
President Vince Maida stated there is a quorum of Board Members present and opened the October 12, 2016 Board Meeting at 7:00 pm.
MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Minutes from the September 14, 2016 Board Meeting.
Mr. Hiltunen requested to make the following correction: under Rental Application Review Issues - change Mr. Hiltunen to Mr. Salmon. Mr. Valyo also noted that the address of the property in the same sentence needs to be corrected – change 22445 Grouper Court to 22455Grouper Court. Mr. Hiltunen made a motion to approve the Minutes from the September 14, 2016 Board Meeting with these two corrections. Mrs. Esola seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
FINANCIAL - The Board reviewed the September 30, 2016 Delinquency Report. Several delinquent accounts were discussed.
Lot 16 – Mrs. Esola made a motion to re-start/continue association foreclosure. Mrs. Smith seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
Lot 25 – Mrs. Smith made a motion to begin association foreclosure. Mrs. Esola seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
Lot 108 – Management was instructed to contact the owners again to remind them about the agreed payment plan before further collection action is taken by the association.
The Board then reviewed the September 2016 Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Report. Mr. Valyo stated the Association is in good and stable financial condition with expenses under budget at this time.
REVIEW 2017 ESTIMATED OPERATING BUDGET – The Board Members reviewed and discussed the 2017 Estimated Operating Budget. Mr. Hiltunen made a motion to approve the 2017 Estimated Operating Budget as presented by management with no homeowner assessment change from the 2015 Estimated Operating Budget. The approved 2016 annual budget is $123,120 with a quarterly assessment of $108.00. Mrs. Esola seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
JAFFE – 22552 SAWFISH TERRACE - PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Mr. Bouras informed the Board that this property again is not being maintained properly by the owner: grass needs to be cut and weeds need to be removed from plant beds. The Board agreed to authorize management to perform the necessary landscape maintenance and charge Mrs. Jaffer for the work performed.
HYPPOLITE – 22476 SWORDFISH DRIVE – VEHICLE REPAIR BUSINESS/PENDING MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE – Mr. Bouras informed the Board that following the association attorney advice management has been gathering pictures, police reports, neighbors’ complaints, etc. regarding the suspected vehicle repair business at this property. The Board Members discussed this matter and instructed management to continue collecting the information.
EDWARDS – 22640 SWORDFISH DRIVE – UNLICENSED/UNREGISTERED VEHICLES Mr. Wright – resident of 22640 Swordfish Drive was present at the meeting. The Board informed Mr. Wright that the Board would like to address all the concerns regarding 22460 Swordfish Drive with the owner of the property – Mr. Edwards.
WEBSITE – Nothing new to report.
OLD BUSINESS AND NEW BUSINESS – Mrs. Smith addressed the Board regarding the security situation in the area. Mr. Bouras answered that there were rumors and speculation that there were numerous vehicle burglaries in Boca Winds. Mr. Bouras stated there were a few vehicles burglarized but all of these vehicles were left unlocked by the owners.
RENTAL APPLICATION REVIEW ISSUES – The Board Members discussed the home rental situation in Ashley Park. The Board approved management to contact the association attorney regarding the preparation of an amendment to the association governing documents restricting rentals in Ashley Park by prohibiting rentals within the first year after purchase and to establish the length of a lease to be at least (no less than) 12 month/1 year. The Board Members also discussed the current rental application and approved an increase of the application fee to $250.00 ($125.00 currently).
Mrs. Smith made a motion to discuss mailbox replacement at the next Board Meeting. Mrs. Esola seconded it and the motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Mrs. Smith made a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 8:35 pm. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Esola and unanimously approved by the Board.