OCTOBER 10, 2018
Board Members Present: Vince Maida, Daniel Lindblom, Jeff Wasylowsky & Michael McKay
Board Members Absent: Gloria O’Connor
Also Present: Paul Valyo & Jim Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
President Vince Maida stated there is a quorum of Board Members present and opened the October 10, 2018 Board Meeting at 7:00 pm.
MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Minutes from the September 12, 2018 Board Meeting. Mr. McKay made a motion to approve the Minutes from the September 12, 2018 Board Meeting as written. Mr. Lindblom seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
FINANCIAL - The Board reviewed the September 30, 2018 Delinquency Report. Several delinquent accounts were discussed.
#25 – Property is in mortgage foreclosure.
#108 – This account will be monitored. The Board will discuss this account at the next Board Meeting and may re-start association foreclosure if payments are not received.
#180 – Small delinquency amount - association claim of lien has been filed.
The Board then reviewed the August 2018 Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Report. Mr. Valyo stated the Association is in good and stable financial condition.
MANAGEMENT – Mr. Bouras informed the Board that the speed hump will be installed on Sea Blue Trail by Palm Beach County. According to recent discussions with the county no approval of the speed hump installation from the Boca Winds Board of Directors is necessary.
22448 TUNA PLACE – NO FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE – Mr. Bouras informed the Board that management received an opinion from the association attorney that it will be very difficult to prove when the landscape in the front yard of this property was removed. The Board Members discussed this matter. Mr. Lindblom made a motion to enforce the policy requiring front yard landscaping at this property and at any other property where there is a lack of front yard landscaping. Mr. McKay seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
REMOVAL OF BROKEN/LEANING TREE IN BUFFER EASEMENT – Mr. Bouras informed the Board there is a broken/leaning tree on the common area behind 22580 Sea Bass Drive and presented a quote from Baker Landscape for $400 for the removal and stump grinding of this tree. Mr. Wasylowsky made a motion to remove this damaged tree for $400. Mr. Lindblom seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
WEBSITE – The Board Members agreed to remove Board Members e-mail addresses from the Website due to security reasons. Management was instructed to e-mail the approved Minutes to Michael McKay to be posted on the Website after each Board Meeting.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE – Robert Wagner presented several Capital Improvement Committee beautification ideas/suggestions for the Boards review. First - to install a picnic area that would include new grills and picnic tables at the Vince Maida Park – playground area. Mr. Wagner expressed his concerns about the trees in that area that have above ground/exposed roots which are creating a safety issue. Another suggestion is to landscape the common area at the intersection of Shorewind Place and Sea Bass Drive. Irina Marcarelli also suggested improvement/renovation of Vince Maida Park with possible installation of a walking path and additional landscaping to provide shade areas and green area for children to play. The Board Members liked all the ideas presented and thanked the Committee Members. It was noted that the cost of each project will need to be determined in order to make a decision which of the presented ideas/projects will be approved first.
OLD BUSINESS AND NEW BUSINESS – Mr. Pontrelli made announcements regarding the current and future WBCC discussions, projects and meetings. There will be a WBCC meeting at the Boca Winds club house regarding operation of the West Boca Fire Station located near the west end of Glades Road.
REVIEW PROPOSED 2019 ESTIMATED OPERATING BUDGET - The Board Members reviewed and discussed a proposed 2019 Estimated Operating Budget prepared by management.
Mr. Wasylowsky made a motion to transfer the 2018 excess income/profit (if any) to a new Capital Improvement account. Mr. Lindblom seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to approve the 2019 Estimated Operating Budget with $4.00 per month/$12.00 per quarter increase in the association assessment and approximately $2.75 per month of this increase will be allocated to the Capital Improvement account. Mr. Wasylowsky seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 8:16 pm. The motion was seconded by Mr. McKay and unanimously approved by the Board.