SEPTEMBER 14, 2016
Board Members Present: Vince Maida, Diane Esola, Charles Hiltunen, Jason Salmon
and Mary Smith
Board Members Absent: None
Also Present: Paul Valyo and James Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
President Vince Maida stated there is a quorum of Board Members present and opened the September 14, 2016 Board Meeting at 7:00 pm.
MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Minutes from the June 8, 2016 Board Meeting.
Mr. Hiltunen made a motion to approve the Minutes from the June 8, 2016 Board Meeting as written. Mrs. Esola seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
FINANCIAL - The Board reviewed the September 7, 2016 Delinquency Report. Several delinquent accounts were discussed.
Lot 108 (Overbey) – Mr. Hiltunen made a motion to begin association foreclosure. Mrs. Esola seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
The Board then reviewed the September 2016 Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Report. Mr. Valyo stated the Association is in good and stable financial condition, expenses are on budget at this time.
Mr. Valyo suggested transferring $50,000 from the Operating Account to an interest bearing account. Mrs. Esola made a motion to open an Excess Operating Account with Florida Community Bank and transfer $50,000 to this new account. Mrs. Smith seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
Mr. Valyo also explained that management reconciled the rental security deposits account. The amount of $2,500 in unclaimed rental security deposits was transferred to the Operating Account.
JAFFE – 22552 SAWFISH TERRACE - PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AND DELINQUENT ACCOUNT - Mr. Valyo informed the Board that this property again is not being maintained properly: grass needs to be cut, turf has to be treated for turf weeds, weeds need to be removed from plant beds. Mrs. Jaffe was present at the meeting and promised that she would take care of all the maintenance violations/issues. The Board agreed to give Mrs. Jaffe one week to perform the work – until September 21st. If the corrective work is not complete by September 21stmanagement will perform the work and add the cost to Mrs. Jaffes’s assessment account.
HYPPOLITE – 22476 SWORDFISH DRIVE – PENDING MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE –The Board Members discussed that the owner again is repairing vehicles at his property and is parking numerous vehicles in front of the property – on the driveway and in the street. The Board Members also discussed hiring a private investigator to see if the necessary information can be gathered to file an association law suit against this homeowner. The Board Members agreed to authorize towing of any unlicensed/unregistered vehicles from the community parking lot that are related to repairing vehicles at this property. The Board will re-visit this discussion at the next Board Meeting.
EDWARDS – 22640 SWORDFISH DRIVE – CODE ENFORCEMENT COMPLAINT UNLICENSED/UNREGISTERED VEHICLES – Mrs. Esola informed the Board that there were six (6) vehicles parked in front of the property before tonight’s meeting, there is a pressure cleaner and oil changer by the front door for weeks. Mrs. Esola was very unhappy with this situation and asked the Board to address it. The Board Members discussed this matter. Mr. Valyo suggested hiring a private investigator to collect the necessary evidence that the owner is running a car dealership business from his house. Mr. Valyo will get a legal opinion from the association attorney and will present it to the Board at the next meeting.
WEBSITE – Nothing new to report.
RENTAL APPLICATION REVIEW ISSUES – The Board Members discussed in length the rental situation in Ashley Park. It was suggested to amend the association governing documents to restrict rentals in Ashley Park by prohibiting rentals within the first year after purchase, to review and update the approval process for new rentals and to establish an approval process for each rental renewal. Management was instructed to send a blank copy of the current Ashley Park Rental Application to each of the Board Members for review. The Board will continue discussing this matter at the next Board Meeting.
Mr. Salmon informed the Board that the owner of 22455 Grouper Court is leasing rooms in his house. Management will look into this.
ANNUAL GARAGE SALE - The Board Members discussed a community garage sale and decided not to schedule one this year.
Mrs. Esola suggested organizing a community picnic. Mrs. Esola will prepare community picnic ideas/suggestions and a proposed budget for Board Members review at the next Board Meeting.
Mr. Hiltunen suggested posting on the Ashley Park Web Site information about the community tennis court entrance gate key – many homeowners do not know that they can get a gate key from the management office.
Mrs. Smith made a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 8:35 pm. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Esola and unanimously approved by the Board.