Board Members Present:Daniel Lindblom, Jeff Wasylowsky, and Stacy Puleo
Board Members Absent:Brian McGuinn & Diane Esola
Also Present:Jim Bouras, Community Management & Construction, Inc.
Daniel Lindblom stated there is a quorum of Board Members present via audio conference call and opened the September 8, 2021, Virtual Board Meeting at 7:00 pm. There were 3homeowners present.
MINUTES – The Board reviewed the Minutes from the August11, 2021 Board Meeting.
Mrs. Puleo made a motion to approve the Minutes from the August 11, 2021, Board Meeting as written. Mr. Lindblom seconded this motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
FINANCIAL - The Board reviewed the September 1, 2021, Delinquency Report. One delinquent account was discussed.
#85 – Making payments.
#212 – $1,200 in violation fines. Claim of lien has been recorded.
The Board reviewed the July 2021 Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Report. Mr. Bourasstated the Association is in good and stable financial condition.
2021-2022 INSURANCE PREMIUMS DISCUSSION – The Board Members reviewed and approved the 2021-2022 insurance policies, excluding windstorm coverage.
Mr. Lindblom made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 insurance policies with a 23.3% premium increase excluding windstorm coverage. Mr. Wasylowsky seconded this motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.
INSTALLATION OF THE NEW PLAYGROUND STATUS – All the work including installation of grass and mulch, and modifications to irrigation is now complete. There was a request to replace one of the child swing seats with an infant bucket seat. Management will prepare and estimate for the Board’s review at the next meeting.
PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORT – Nothing new to discuss.
RENTAL INFORMATION – Nothing new to discuss.
WEBSITE – Nothing new to discuss.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE – Mr. Lindblom suggested generating a few ideas for future Capital Improvement Committee projects and include these ideas in the end of the year mailing for homeowners’ feedback.
Mr. Wasylowsky addressed the Board regarding the PBCSO off duty deputies sitting in the parking lot(s) – not on the main road and not visible, and questioned if it is worth paying the hourly rates for deputies patrolling community. The Board Members discussed this matter. Mr. Lindblom suggested noting the date, time, and place to be reported to the deputy’s superior officer.
Yulia Balyberdina addressed the Board suggesting installation of a name plaque devoting a new playground to the memory of little girl who passed away from cancer. The Board Members discussed this matter and agreed to investigate different options.
Mrs. Puleo made a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 7:20 pm. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lindblom and unanimously approved by the Board.
Minutes Accepted By:
Diane Esola, SecretaryDate